Woost, Kevin (Kevin Woost)
Time Received: 2014-01-10T18:33:34.197179-06:00 — Amount: $50.00

Hello, greetings from derder from the german TetrisCharity Tournament team. We play Tetris for charity and thus we know how hard it is, to organise such a huge event. I like your effort and want to thank you for such a great marathon, I hope you will never stop to do such an awesome thing for such an awesome cause. My Grandmother died of cancer. To fight that aweful disease I startet TetrisCharity.de to collect money for non profit organisations, that decrease world suck, like organisations that fight cancer, so I would say we are connected in some way, what drived me to donate.

Also, put this money to Tetris for being the best Final Fantasy, if that's not possible, let the guy with Majora's Mask decide.

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