Character Name — (Run) Elden Ring
Total: $28,235.89

Choose the name given to the player character for the Elden Ring All Remembrances run. 16 character limit.
Name Description Amount
Maidenless $9,853.50
DIO!!! $7,771.37
GodefroyLeHardi $2,095.50
Gabnon $1,985.00
Technoblade $1,047.38
TonyHawk $754.69
BrandonSanderson $630.00
TransRights $580.00
Morbius $345.00
Yerfdog $275.00
Honk! $250.00
Little_Mac $250.00
Distortion3 $178.00
HansMoleman $177.00
LetMeRaceHer $165.00
TurtlePope $125.00
Geschmackvoll $123.45
StabbyMcStabFace $120.00
Lady Jingle $104.00
MSF $100.00
TarnishDoggo $95.00
GUTS $90.00
Nope $80.00
DungYeeter $75.00
Phlapple $75.00
Knuckles $70.00
Crichael Miton $64.00
Dog $50.00
Donek $50.00
Slippy $50.00
Sunbro $50.00
SwordOwner $50.00
TurboGunn $50.00
Mario $35.00
JohnDarkSouls $30.00
CersoYeet $25.00
GRRM Miyazaki $25.00
SirHonksALot $25.00
JohnSouls $20.00
Gehrman $15.00
Patches $15.00
LostMyHat $10.00
Banjo $5.00
Dogoman $5.00
FinnandJake $5.00
Kentaro_Miura $5.00
Kepler $5.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty