Pokemon Yellow/Red Any% Glitchless 2 Games 1 Controller — Summer Games Done Quick 2018
Start Time: 2018-06-30T01:09:00-04:00 Run Time: 2:58:36






Name Description Amount Goal
Charmander's Name Choose the name given to the Charmander that will be acquired during the Pokémon Yellow part of the run. 10 character limit. $3,355.03
Get Moltres and Lapras If met, MeGotsThis will include Moltres and Lapras in his Pokémon roster! $15,931.06 $30,000.00
Nidoran's Name Choose the name given to the Nidorans that will be caught in the Pokémon Red/Blue + Yellow run. 10 character limit, top two are chosen. $3,137.00
Paras's Name Choose the name given to the Paras that will be used in the Pokémon Red/Blue part of the run. $2,165.00
Pidgey's Name Choose the name given to the Pidgey that will be used in the Pokémon Red/Blue part of the run. $3,801.50
Pikachu's Name Choose the name given to the Pikachu used in the Pokémon Yellow part of the run. 10 character limit. $3,881.51
Red vs Blue For the 2G1C Pokémon run, we have the option of either running Red+Yellow or Blue+Yellow. So, which was best, Red or Blue? $1,469.00
Rival's Name Name the Rival for the Pokémon Red/Blue + Yellow run. 7 character limit. $1,935.51
Spearow's Name Choose the name given to the Spearow that will be used in the Pokémon Yellow part of the run. 10 character limit. $1,655.01
Squirtle's Name Squirtle will be the starter pokemon for Pokémon Red/Blue. Choose its name. 10 character limit. $1,706.37
Trainer's Name Name the Trainer for the Pokémon Red/Blue + Yellow run. 7 character limit. $1,297.22
(Yellow) Squirtle's Name Choose the name given to the Squirtle that will be used in the Pokémon Yellow side of the run. This is a different pokémon to the one used in the Red/Blue side and will be named differently. 10 character limit. $1,726.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty