
Games Done Quick event attendance is open to the general public. You don't need to be a speedrunner, and you don't need to volunteer! However, you do need to register before the deadline to attend! You cannot register in-person.
Runners and volunteers will be able to register after they are selected, regardless of the attendance cap. They will be refunded if they previously paid for their attendance.
In addition to GDQ's own safety staff and volunteers, there will also be a dedicated cleaning crew responsible for cleaning high contact areas. We ask that you help us keep the event clean and safe by making use of our freely available cleaning supplies for your equipment. Any bags left unattended may be removed by security, so do not leave your bags in any event space.
Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a registered parent or guardian at all times. Parents/Guardians will need to fill out and pay for registration as instructed below. During the process of filling out your user profile, you will see an option labeled "I'm Bringing Children". Select that, and fill out the names of the children you will be bringing, up to a maximum of four per parent/guardian. Children are free under their parent/guardian's registration. Children must wear their child badge (provided during the parent/guardian's check-in at the event) at all times.
Anyone 18 or older must have their own paid registration. They may not be listed as a child under a parent/guardian and any such registration may be rendered invalid.
Children under the age of 5 are not permitted at the event.
Sign up for a Games Done Quick Account (if you haven't already). Head on over to your profile, and create your user profile, then register from your profile page.
During high traffic, you may be added to a queue when proceeding to the payment step. Do NOT refresh the page or close the tab while in the queue. The system will process everyone in the order they joined the queue. Once you are through the queue, you will have 5 minutes to complete your payment, if there are any remaining spots open. You will be returned to your profile with confirmation of your payment when completed.
Keep in mind: you can only register to attend for yourself. No one else may register for you. If you attempt to give away, trade, or sell a registration, it may be cancelled without refund. If someone has tried to give you or sell you a registration, please inform Games Done Quick management.
There is a cap of 2500 for this event. We will start at 2400 to accommodate runners and volunteers, and once we have added them to the system, we may open any remaining spots. There will not be a waiting list.
Remember: you have not reserved a spot at the event until you complete payment. You will know you're good to go when you see a verification on your profile page!
Refunds will be available until registration closes.
Congratulations, that's it!
You will receive an email receipt once your payment has been processed, typically within a few minutes. The email will be from Stripe, our credit card processor.
When you check-in with the check-in desk at the event, you will receive a badge. In order to pick up a badge, you must have a valid government issued photo ID (passport, drivers license, state ID, etc). If you do not have one, make sure to get one immediately, as IDs can take weeks or more to obtain. The badge is valid for the entire event, including setup days. The schedule for check-in will be in our attendee guide, emailed a couple weeks prior to the event.