
What is Games Done Quick?
Games Done Quick is a series of charity video game marathons. These events feature high-level gameplay by speedrunners raising money for charity. Games Done Quick has teamed up with several charities in its nine-year history, including Doctors Without Borders and the Prevent Cancer Foundation. We are currently the largest fundraising event globally for both charities!
To date, Games Done Quick has raised over 50 million dollars for charity. We also average over 3000 people in attendance at our events, including staff, volunteers, runners, and attendees just looking to have fun and support the event!

Missed Flame Fatales 2024? Be sure to check out our Flame Fatales 2024 VODs on YouTube! Want more after Flame Fatales? Every day, there's fresh new speedrunning content for you to enjoy!
GDQ HOTFIX promotes various communities in speedrunning. We offer up our channel and resources to help communities reach a wider audience. Find the schedule and learn more, or even suggest a run from your community on the GDQ HOTFIX's site!