AGDQ25 Venue

Check-in Hours
Check-in is located at 🧥 Coat Check ✅ on Floor 2.
- Saturday, Jan 4 & Sunday, Jan 5: 8AM - 10PM
- Monday, Jan 6 - Friday, Jan 10: 8AM- 8PM
- Saturday, Jan 11: 10AM - 4PM
*If you are a runner and will be arriving at a time where check in will not be available prior to your run, please let us know and we can assist.
Lost and Found
Lost something? Visit the World9 desk at 👑 King's Garden 🌸 located on Floor 2.

Can't make it to AGDQ25 in person? No worries! Kick back, hop on our livestream on Twitch to hang out with Chat, and watch all the
speedrunning action
on your fireside laptop!