Volunteering FAQ

AGDQ 2025 Volunteer Applications Are Now Open!

Applications are open 9/26/2024 - 10/6/2024

Apply to volunteer here: https://app.initlive.com:443/JE/6670xy41naj5sc

This round of applications includes all on-site positions as well as Remote Hosting and Host Judging/Host Committee. Applications for additional remote positions will open at a later date.

How do I sign up to volunteer?

When volunteer applications are open, you can apply via the button found on your profile page.

Volunteer applications typically are open at the same time as game submissions, and selections are typically announced at the same time as the games list. These dates can be found on the left side of the Games Done Quick homepage.

What are the benefits of volunteering for a Games Done Quick event?

You receive a guaranteed badge so you can get into the event without paying a registration fee. If your work or school requires a community service form, or a proof of volunteering, you can request that from us as well for documentation. If you plan on attending regardless of your volunteer status, please make sure you register and pay to attend. If you are selected as a volunteer, you will receive a full refund for that registration.

Do I get free room and board?

No, you still have to pay for your food and your hotel room, as well as any transportation. We only provide the guaranteed badge and waive the registration fee.

Do I need to send in a resume?

No. Just fill out the application. We will not consider any resumes submitted to us.

Do I have to pay if I don't show up for my shifts?

You will not be charged any fees for missing your shifts, but we may take your no-shows in consideration for any future opportunities involving Games Done Quick.

Can I volunteer if I am under 18?

We take labor laws very seriously. As such, we will only allow people to volunteer if they are legally 18 years of age at the start of the event.

Do I have to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) if I volunteer?

Yes. All positions require an NDA.

What positions can I volunteer for?

  • AUDIO - Run the soundboard for the stream. Previous audio experience is preferred.
  • ACTIVITIES - Board Games - Help maintain the Board Game Room by setting up the room, checking in and out games, and monitoring the space to keep it safe and fun!
  • ACTIVITIES - Panels/Tournaments - Help set up recording for GDQ's many panels and tournaments. Tech experience is not required.
  • CAMERA OPERATORS - Make sure that the camera shots for the stream are on point, and help the interview team with their memes!
  • CHECK-IN - Check in attendees to the event, hand out badges to attendees, and assist in Runner Orientations, which involves giving a brief tour of the event space and pointing out key locations for runners. Volunteers may also be asked by attendees for information about the event and the event layout, or other general information about the event. If you're concerned about giving tours due to physical limitations or other factors, don't worry, accommodations can be made.
  • CLEANING CREW - Make rounds of the event space, cleaning/sanitizing high-contact surfaces, equipment, and anything else that needs it in order to help provide a safe and sanitary environment for everyone.
  • DONATIONS - Vet donation comments that we receive from donors to be read or not be read live on stream.
  • HEAD DONATIONS - Determine which donations are sent to the host during runs and help manage run times and incentives in the tracker. Previous volunteering experience with Donations is required.
  • HOSTING - Read donation comments and be one of the voices of the event! This application requires an additional audition.
  • PHOTOGRAPHY - Capture key moments of the event in photos while learning how to shoot from a professional instructor.
  • SAFETY (Previously called Enforcement) - Make sure that event attendees all have the proper credentials, are following the rules, and do not have food or open drinks in prohibited areas.
  • STAGE TECH - Connect the correct consoles to the TVs and stream computers (which is much easier than it sounds!) for each run, plus a few other things such as doing inventory and testing broken tech.
  • STREAM TECH - Operate the Open Broadcaster Software and other tools to composite stream video. We will have an improved process this year, but the old tutorial video can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vw32I2L49Q
  • STREAM SUPERVISOR - Monitor the stream during runs and answer questions for the other tech volunteers during setups. Reports to the producer to ensure the tech station can run when they are busy. Prior tech experience preferred.
  • SETUP - Assist with various tasks (small and large) in preparation for the on-site event. This may include carrying heavy TVs, testing consoles, validating badges for quality, and checking in board games. Setup typically starts on the Wednesday before the start of the event.
  • STAGE MANAGER - Oversee the tech volunteer roles directly so that the Producer can be in charge of directing the show during breaks. Volunteers in this position will need to already be familiar with, or be willing to take extra shifts to be trained on how all the tech roles function and it will be their job to answer questions from tech volunteers and ensure all of their duties are happening during breaks. The Stage Manager will also communicate with the producer when tech delays are happening, and when setup is finished so the Producer knows when to greenlight transitions.
  • TEARDOWN - Do the impossible: help organize and pack all the event's gear in less than a day!

But I can't attend the event and want to help! How can I do that?

We have a few off-site volunteering positions that are generally reserved for people who will not be attending the event:

  • CHAT MODS - Keep things positive and comfortable for everyone in our Twitch chat and in our Discord.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA - Help run the official @GamesDoneQuick Twitter and Facebook accounts through the use of creative posts (read: memes) while connecting with staff and fellow volunteers to inform them of important information.
  • HOST JUDGE/COMMITTEE - Help select the Hosts who will be the voice of the event by reviewing Host Auditions. Host Judges and Host Committee members are essential to our Volunteer Audition process. Host Judges are split into two teams, each reviewing half of the auditions. If you become a Host Judge Volunteer, your task will involve reviewing 40-50 auditions, with each audition lasting 5-10 minutes. The Host Committee consists of experienced hosts and judges who narrow down the top auditions selected by Host Judges for the final cast. Applicants to this position will be asked to complete a brief form outlining the process and providing some basic information about themselves. As this volunteer position's duties are completed prior to the event, this is an off-site role. However, you receive a free badge if you manage to go through all the auditions (and if your scores are used). JUDGES CANNOT VOLUNTEER TO HOST FOR ANY EVENT THEY'RE JUDGING.

I don't know a specific coordinators email! Help!

That's fine! You can email us volunteer questions at volunteer@gamesdonequick.com and we will forward your email to the correct person. If you don't get an answer within a week, poke us again.

I want a job! Hire me?

Volunteering is the best way to work towards a staff position at GDQ. However, volunteering is not a guaranteed path, and GDQ is typically not hiring for most positions. If GDQ is externally hiring for a position, we will post a job description on gamesdonequick.com/jobs. Volunteer coordinators cannot assist you in job prospects.

My question wasn't answered here! What should I do?

Email us at volunteer@gamesdonequick.com and we'll do our best to answer any additional question you have!